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Twincle: A Calendar For All Seasons? Not Really! In Fact, Reminder For Today, Avoid...

Do you find yourself running out of time, missing appointments, forgetting meetings and generally suffering from complete disorganisation? Well if you do then perhaps...

Kickin-it: Ever Wanted To Play Keepy Uppy With A Cactus?

No, I’ve never really thought about it either…but in Kickin-It you get to not only kick a cactus, you also get to chose between...

Parking Mania: Crazy Car Game For iPhone!

Parking games in general can tend to get a bit repetitive and frustrating; one main problem is usually the controls. Parking Mania provides multiple...

Return My Phone: Increase your chances of having your phone back!

It seems quite an ironic idea to create an app you may never need and preferably won’t have to use but in this digital...

Relationship Tester: A Bit Like Guess Who?

Do you think of yourself as a bit of a good judge in character? Well, if you do, then perhaps this game is right...

VIP London: London Hotspots!

VIP London is a fantastic app that allows users to search for all the exclusive clubs, bars and restaurants in London. The app uses...

Revision 3: Perfect App If You’re Looking For Great Original Content

When it comes to streaming video on your iPhone you have a huge number of options for everything from old movies and TV with...

My Vacation: A Better Way to Record Your Journeys

I travel. A lot. So much in fact, that I no longer have a physical address to go home to. Because of this, I’ve...

Steven Seagull, Over Sea’ge: Do You See What They Did There?

I often wonder which came first, the name of the game or the game and then the name? I think they clearly came up...

Trover: Another Social Networking iPhone App

Introduction: Trover is a visual social networking app. Share your discoveries with friends and other city explorers. You don’t have to be a professional...

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