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Talking Carl repeats anything you say
By Awyse Price: £0.59
This is one of those simple apps that never fail to make my friends laugh at parties. The element of surprise...
iDreams Pro may be the answer to your dreams
Released 18th June, 0.8 MB, £ 0.59
Meet iDreams Pro - a dreams interpretation guide which may answer that question we sometimes ask ourselves.... what...
All About Her for iPhone will save the lousiest of boyfriends
Allow us to introduce All About Her - an essential app for useless partners. If you’re a male who struggles to remember everything about your other half, then purchase this now. It may lead to a stress free relationship if not wedding bells.
It’s branded ‘the ultimate love saver’ and it may well be the fundamental pillar in your relationship. Keep organised by filling in the important dates including her birthday, anniversaries and the details for when you’re next meeting up. Why not note down her favourite colours, flowers, music, films, T.V shows and even her name if your memory’s really that bad.
All About Her’s description claims it’ll ‘increase your happiness by 50%’. Now, we’re not sure about that, but being able to store your pictures of her wanted presents and writing down the information in the app’s gift list will definitely draw a smile.
Babe Magnet for iPhone could make you desirable
Released 22nd July 2010, By Stroika, £0.59 (FREE for initial version)
It’s been hard not to notice the frequent, how can we say it, ‘women...
London in the Palm of Your Hand: Best iPhone Apps for London
Despite being completely redesign by Sir Christopher Wren in 1667, London remains one of the most daunting cities in the world. Luckily, with a...
Lie Detector Pro for iPhone is your new private detective
Released 16th June 2010, 3.6 MB, £0.59
Is it possible? Is it actually possible? Can your iPhone now detect the truth and expose those repulsive...
10 iPhone Apps That Could Replace Your Girlfriend
When you first held your iPhone in your hands you were sure that this was the single best use that you had ever found for money. You wanted to have it with you all the time, you wanted to be alone with it and
10 Most Incredible iPhone Pranks Ever
The best pranks are the simple ones. Or so we used to think, until we discovered the amazing capabilities of the iPhone. Here...
OCARINA transforms your iPhone into a fully functioning musical instrument
App released on 29 June 2010, developed by Smule, £0.59.
Dating back 12,000 years, made famous by the cult classic game Zelda, the Ocarina...
Recession busting App Capital Eats saves food-loving Londoners a hefty bill!
I know what you’re thinking: £7.99 for an iPhone App?! Don’t you know that the country is in a deep state of economic...