All About Her for iPhone will save the lousiest of boyfriends

All About Her for iPhone will save the lousiest of boyfriends


all-about-her-iphoneReleased 31st May 2010, 12.7 MB, £0.59

Allow us to introduce All About Her – an essential app for useless partners. If you’re a male who struggles to remember everything about your other half, then purchase this now. It may lead to a stress free relationship if not wedding bells.

It’s branded ‘the ultimate love saver’ and it may well be the fundamental pillar in your relationship. Keep organised by filling in the important dates including her birthday, anniversaries and the details for when you’re next meeting up. Why not note down her favourite colours, flowers, music, films, T.V shows and even her name if your memory’s really that bad.

All About Her’s description claims it’ll ‘increase your happiness by 50%’. Now, we’re not sure about that, but being able to store your pictures of her wanted presents and writing down the information in the app’s gift list will definitely draw a smile.

Men will agree that always having your girlfriend’s sizes when buying clothes will save stress. There’s even a link directly to amazon, however, it’s to the homepage not to the items even if they are available.

It’s easy to use and the artwork looks fantastic. Especially for the price. The bits of information will zoom in and out when selected and the artistic design makes it fun to use. There’s even a cartoon girl alluring you in by winking on the loading page.

Granted, if you feel you need this app to make your relationship work, she’s probably not the girl for you. And yes, it is a bit sleazy. We’ve all met girls and instantly forgotten their names but this is a tad extreme.

Anyhow, it’s fun to use, great to look at and will support your bad memory. If you don’t let your girl see the app, she will always see you as a sensitive stud. And most importantly, a natural.

Get the app from iTunes



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