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Video Competition: Win A SuperTooth HD Speaker Worth $129

If you want to get your hands on a brand new SuperTooth HD speaker worth $129 then all you have to do is record...

JamPick: Create Your Own Band

JamPick puts you in the position of a band manager, with the added bonus of never having to put up with any rock star...

KaleidaCam: Trippy Photos, Man

Anyone wanting to experience the visual effects of LSD without actually putting their mental health at risk may want to check out KaleidaCam. ...

Ab Workouts Free: Can an iPhone App Give Me a Six-Pack?!

Technology and fitness haven’t always walked hand in hand, with the cliché of tubby computer geeks staring at their screens for hours on end...

Beauty Check: Measure How Hot You Are!

For anyone who needs their confidence taking down a peg or two, get this app! Beauty Check rates your appearance on a scale...

iCarCheck: An Essential App For Car Buyers

If you are in the market to buy a new car, (well, new to you at least!), then you could do a hell of...

Top 5 Investment Apps For The iPhone

Monitoring and analysing the stock market is a challenging task. With dozens of various investment apps out there, all promising industry and stock market...

London BusMapper: Find the right bus, anywhere, anytime!

London BusMapper is a helpful and practical transport app that allows users to find any bus route in London. The app will use your...

4 Fantastic Free iPhone Soccer Games

iPhone fans looking for a selection of high quality free soccer game applications have come to the right place! Consider the research already...

LinerTweets: Ever had a desperate urge to seek out random tweets? Me neither

Although Twitter has always been something of a mystery to me (no one else seems to care about how disgruntled I am by the...

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