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10 iPhone Apps That Could Replace Your Girlfriend
When you first held your iPhone in your hands you were sure that this was the single best use that you had ever found for money. You wanted to have it with you all the time, you wanted to be alone with it and
London2Go for iPhone will explain The Big Smoke
Updated 23rd June 2010, By Tymon Wiedemair, £ 0.59
Most major cities around the world have a vast following of travel and tourist apps. They’re...
London in the Palm of Your Hand: Best iPhone Apps for London
Despite being completely redesign by Sir Christopher Wren in 1667, London remains one of the most daunting cities in the world. Luckily, with a...
FitCoach for iPhone will get you in shape
Released 06 July 2010, By GlaxoSmithKline UK, (Powered by Lucozade), £FREE
Finding it hard to loose weight? Do you need constant support to keep you...
Babe Magnet for iPhone could make you desirable
Released 22nd July 2010, By Stroika, £0.59 (FREE for initial version)
It’s been hard not to notice the frequent, how can we say it, ‘women...
How to Take Great iPhone Photos – 5 apps reviewed
It has happened to us all: something astounding happens in front of our eyes and there is no camera at hand to immortalise the...
What’s your most desired iPhone accessory?
We have just launched our Facebook page. To celebrate the launch we are going to have a prize draw when we reach 500 fans....
Diacarta for iPhone will brighten your day
Released 25th June 2010, by Squnch, £1.19
With tons of daily task planning apps and ‘to do’ lists available it’s hard to get excited...
10 Major iPhone 4 and iOS 4 Problems and what is the solution?
Discovering problems with the iPhone 4's is a bit like realising you no longer love your spouse. The few annoyances, you find endearingly cute...
All About Her for iPhone will save the lousiest of boyfriends
Allow us to introduce All About Her - an essential app for useless partners. If you’re a male who struggles to remember everything about your other half, then purchase this now. It may lead to a stress free relationship if not wedding bells.
It’s branded ‘the ultimate love saver’ and it may well be the fundamental pillar in your relationship. Keep organised by filling in the important dates including her birthday, anniversaries and the details for when you’re next meeting up. Why not note down her favourite colours, flowers, music, films, T.V shows and even her name if your memory’s really that bad.
All About Her’s description claims it’ll ‘increase your happiness by 50%’. Now, we’re not sure about that, but being able to store your pictures of her wanted presents and writing down the information in the app’s gift list will definitely draw a smile.