Entertainment Apps

Entertainment Apps

New to iPhone? Here are a few app suggestions

You’ve seen it on the shelves for months. You’ve saved up for weeks. Everyone but you had it. You have wanted it for so...

100 Best iPhone Apps Ever Part 2 – Entertainment Apps

Entertainment Apps 31. allrecipes.com dinner spinner: Teaches you How To Cook: - Free This app will have you cooking tasty dishes in no time. The dinner...

10 Coolest iPhone Apps Ever

// http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js Having an iPhone makes you cool. This is an indisputable fact. Just ask anyone who works in media or the Apple store…they won’t...

5 Best iPhone Games For Killing Time

Tired of waiting in line or stuck at an airport? Can’t bear another excruciating train trip?  We’ve got your back. We looked high and...

VoiceJam: Record, Loop and Layer to your Hearts Content

Record, loop and layer up your sounds to create a live musical performance wherever you are. VoiceJam gives you the tools to write an...

The most downloaded iPhone app in Europe Shazam

The most downloaded iPhone app in the US, according to research by comScore, is Facebook. In the UK, tellingly, it's iPint from Carling, but...

5 Most Ridiculous iPhone Apps Ever

The iPhone is one of the single most important technological inventions of this century.  There, I said it.  However, as with any great invention,...

What Would Paris Hilton Look Like If She Was Fat?

In the weird and wonderful world of Celebrity-ville, being thin is almost as important as being famous. However, the iPhone has the power...

Bounce Yourself Happy With Red-Ball-4 – Why not?

The law of inertia states that “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same...

How To Remain A Winner At Online Gambling

Gambling is bloody fun - there’s no questioning it, the rush of winning or even just the anticipation of the results are enough to...

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