Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness

Can An iPhone App Help Beat Hay Fever?

What amazing weather we’ve been having! The sun is in the sky and oh my, oh my, why would we want to be...

Ab Workouts Free: Can an iPhone App Give Me a Six-Pack?!

Technology and fitness haven’t always walked hand in hand, with the cliché of tubby computer geeks staring at their screens for hours on end...

FitCoach for iPhone will get you in shape

Released 06 July 2010, By GlaxoSmithKline UK, (Powered by Lucozade), £FREE Finding it hard to loose weight? Do you need constant support to keep you...

Pregnancy: Week by Week – A month-by-month guide

Forty weeks. That’s the length of an average pregnancy. For some women, the time flies and they find themselves in the delivery suite before...

EliteStrengthCoach: Your Own Personal Trainer On Your iPhone (Sponsored)

There are quite a few personal trainer apps on the market now, so I was interested to see what sets EliteStrengthCoach apart from the...

Smart Alarm Clock: Wake Up The Right Way (Sponsored)

If you’re anything like me then waking up is the hardest part of your day (unless, of course, it’s laundry day and you have...

iDreams Pro may be the answer to your dreams

Released 18th June, 0.8 MB, £ 0.59 Meet iDreams Pro - a dreams interpretation guide which may answer that question we sometimes ask ourselves.... what...

Astral Traveler: Set Up Meditation Reminder

Astral traveler is a mediation and relaxation app that provides the user with two videos to watch and relax. The app also allows the...

Sleep Tracker: Monitor Your Sleep Patterns With An iPhone App

Do you need to analyze your sleeping pattern? Problems falling asleep or staying asleep? This program just might help you figure out why. Pros: Easy...

Kitchen Calculator makes it easy for cooks to convert units

App released 1st March 2010, developed by Forward Leap, LLC, £ 2.39 Translating different measurements of ingredients is a major problem for many cooks –...

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