Sleep Tracker: Monitor Your Sleep Patterns With An iPhone App

Sleep Tracker: Monitor Your Sleep Patterns With An iPhone App


Sleep Tracker iPhone App Review

Do you need to analyze your sleeping pattern? Problems falling asleep or staying asleep? This program just might help you figure out why.


  • Easy to use
  • No frills, whistles or bells
  • Simple press of a button to activate. Press one when you go to sleep, and another when you wake up. Just don’t be like me and forget to “wake up” otherwise the program will show you as sleeping for 21 hours.
  • Shows a graph of your sleep cycle.


  • Limited to what it can do.

Summary: This isn’t a program to help you fall asleep, nor is it going to tell you how to get to sleep. It is what it is, a sleep tracker (grapher) and analyzer. I might be able to show you where you need improvement, as if just being tired is not enough. If you are having sleep problems this program is great to document how little sleep you are getting to take in and show your doctor.


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