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10 Best iPhone Apps for Food & Drink

Hungry? Thirsty? Looking for mushrooms? There’s an app for all of that. Actually, there’s quite a few. With every celebrity chef and their ravenous...

Freesaurus: Lost for words? Let your iPhone help!

For all you writers out there, this is one for you! As we all know many writers do a lot of work on the...

10 Must Have iPhone Apps for 2011

// http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js Every year brings new App breakthroughs for our trusty iPhones, and 2011 is looking set to be no exception. In this list of...

Wunderlist iPhone App

Simplicity. That may be the best feature of this wonderful app that has benefited me so. There are numerous projects, events and chores that...

5 Ultimate Brain Teaser iPhone Apps

// http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js The brain is the most powerful tool that we have in the fight against boredom and laziness, so it makes sense to...

Google Translate iPhone App

“The limits of my language are the limits of my world” said philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. And so it was, until Google introduced the Google...

Evernote: A Must have App for Professionals

If you're a business professional or just a busybody, Evernote just made things a lot easier. In the past, any kind note taking we...

3 iPhone Apps To Get You Organised For The Week

It’s not just Bob Geldof that doesn’t like Mondays, the rest of us are rarely too keen to start the week by tapping away...

Change My Style

Before a big business meeting or even just a day at the office, deciding which shirt goes with which tie and which tie goes...

Veggie Samurai: Kung Fu Fruit Chopping!

Veggie Samurai was created by QuantumSquid Interactive and is their in-your-face response to the popular Fruit Ninja game. This game brings a good deal...

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