Apple Pushes Out IOS Version 5.0.1

Apple Pushes Out IOS Version 5.0.1


Apple has released the first official update to IOS since the big IOS 5 launch. Full details after the break:Right now available through ITunes is IOS version 5.0.1 and the biggest improvement is a fix for the battery life woes many users have experienced since the update to version 5.0. Other improvements include fixes to document sync with ICloud, improved voice recognition for Australian users and perhaps most exciting for original IPad owners multi-touch gestures. If you don’t feel like waiting for the huge 790MB update to download via ITunes  you can go to device settings and get a much smaller update that alters just the system files for your device (less than 45mbs for IPhone 4 users.)


  1. Good tip about the system files update only. The last iOS 5 update I did took such a long time I don’t think I want to go neear any updates soon!!

  2. Even when my 3GS iphone got a little bit slower, now I can delete a single call from the call log. Before I could not do it. Now single call deletion from the call log is possible with this update. I was waiting this update from Apple. I requested it several times in Apple web page.


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