5 Top iPhone Camera Accessories for Photography

5 Top iPhone Camera Accessories for Photography


5 Top iPhone Camera Accessories for Photography

Whether you want your iPhone’s camera to take pictures of the vivid scenery of your walks through the local forests, just managing to catch a fleeting shot of a swooping eagle diving down catch it’s prey whilst perfectly juxtaposed against the setting sun, in a wonderfully evocative image of nature at its most wild and free, or for photographing your drunken, passed out and written-on mate at a party, then you will benefit from some iPhone accessories that help you improve your iPhone’s photography. From zooming lenses to mini-tripods, Apple and co have got the photography accessory down to a fine art, and what’s best is that they aren’t exorbitantly expensive, (well, some of them are), meaning that any old Joe or Josephine can be a contender for iPhotographer of the year!

6X Telescope with Crystal Case for iPhone 3G / 3GS
Link: 6X Telescope with Crystal Case for iPhone 3G / 3GS

6X Telescope with Crystal Case for iPhone 3G / 3GS

Ever wanted to get a little bit closer to that perfect shot? With the help of this 6X Telescope you can, as it will increase the focus of your iPhone’s lens by, yeah you guessed it, up to 6 times! OK, so you’re not going to look the coolest kid at the party with one of these in our pocket, (someone want to make an ‘or are you pleased to see me’ joke?!), however, if you do like to take decent shots on your iPhone then a zoom is essential. At only $18.99 for a 3G fitted telescope, (no extra cost for an iPhone 4 fitted scope, score!), then this would make a great little present for any budding photographers who are also iPhone fans. Be warned, the edges can come out a little blurry, however, if you hold the iPhone steadily enough, the main focus will be as clear as a bell. (If you’re shooting in a churchyard…ouch.)

Link: Glif


Simple is effective. If more designers lived by this aphorism then the 90’s wouldn’t have been plagued by the addition of unnecessary zips and rips to everybody’s clothes…I know, I’m a fashion victim and vanity’s a sin, blah, blah, blah! Anyway, moving swiftly on to the Glif, a simple yet incredibly effective iPhone 4 accessory that allows you to mount your iPhone as if it were on a tripod and propping it up at different angles. This will allow you to take photos from various angles that you couldn’t before, including self-portraits from far away, (who’s vain now?!). With a rubberized plastic design, the Glif can be easily transported from place to place, ensuring that youcan get a nice self-portrait with any background in the world!

Link: Clarifi


Clarifi may sound like a bad Italian wine, however it is actually a type of protective case that has a built in close-up lens for the iPhone 3G/3GS, a lens that will improve the resolution of your iPhone’s pictures and hone in the fine detail of your snaps. It really does provide startling clarity to the pictures that, on a regular iPhone, can look grainy at best. Clarifi’s big boast is that you can take pictures of items only 4 inches away and still retain the perfect quality that an iPhone ‘sans Clarifi’ would need at least 18 inches of space in order to focus properly. It may all sound very technical and a bit boring, but if you want to take close up pictures in good quality, even if it is just of a business card to save you carrying it and risking losing it, then Clarifi would be a sound investment.

Zacuto Zgrip iPhone Pro
Link: Zacuto Zgrip iPhone Pro


OK, like with every accessory list we have to put something in that is ridiculously expensive but also ridiculously cool, offering us mere mortals the glimpse into what our futures could be like should we ever get that high-salaried job that we have been hoping for… The Zgrip iPhone Pro is the Daddy in a large family of Zgrips and iPhone Cradles; they all have their uses, but the Zgrip iPhone Pro is the only real contender for the best accessory to shoot professional videos on an iPhone. By holding the handle, you can grip the iPhone whilst taking a steady photo or video and with the handle fully articulated, you can adjust any angle in order to ensure that no shot is out of your reach. For an extra $50.00 you can get a mounted tripod that will absolutely guarantee a steady shot…well, we can dream, can’t we?!

zoomIt SD Memory Card Connector
Link: zoomIt SD Memory Card Connector

zoomIt SD Memory Card Connector

Anyone who has ever felt the frustration of setting up to take that perfect shot and there not being enough space to store the photo on your iPhone, or actually taking the shot and not being able to share it with your family and friends because you either lost it or haven’t been able to connect to your computer, well, this is for you. Tipped as, “a revolution” in the way that your iPhone’s content is managed, zoomIt enables any iPhone user to view access and share your photos, music and video files without having to connect to your computer or connect it up to your camera. This is perfect for anyone who likes to travel light or update friends with pictures as soon as they are taken. Not too badly priced at $59.95, the zoomIt may seem like a luxury, but for serious, everyday iPhone photographers, it could soon become a necessity.



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