Griffin Survivor

Griffin Survivor


griffin survivor iphone 5 case

This may be the best choice for the more paranoid of iPhone owners, as its polycarbonate frame is wrapped in tough, shock-absorbing silicone and it is designed to protect the iPhone 5 from dirt, sand, rain, shock, vibration…well, pretty mch anything that you can throw at it. It boasts a rigid, integrated screen protector and it is actually tested to meet the same standards the U.S. Department of Defense uses for its military equipment…like I said, if you are at all worried about damaging your iPhone, this will be the best fifty bucks that you ever spent. You can utilise its removable belt clip and choose from any of 15 different colour combinations including, yep, you guessed it, two camouflage designs.


  • You could pretty much use it as a football.


  • It is not going to attract that many members of the opposite sex…unless they’re really into military stuff, in which case, good luck!

Price: $49.99

Link: Griffin’s Survivor

For more advice on how to protect your iPhone 5, check out 10 Ultimate iPhone 5 Cases


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