Bracketron Mushroom GreenZero: Energy Saving Charger

Bracketron Mushroom GreenZero: Energy Saving Charger


Bracketron Mushroom GreenZero Charger
The thing about iPhones is that they need so much energy to keep them going; lots of people actually keep them charging overnight just so that they have a full battery for the morning (tip: this is a bad idea as it will actually reduce the longevity of your battery life). The Bracketron charger starts charging when it’s connected to a device with low battery levels by simply pressing the ‘mushroom’ button with your hand or foot. The eco-friendly thing about this charger is that it automatically switches off as soon as a device is fully charged or disconnected (I think that this should be mandatory for all chargers!).


Bracketron Mushroom GreenZero Charger

Available: May 2012
Price: $27.95-$34.95
Available at:


If you would like to read about more iPhone accessories that lessen the damage to our environment, check out our 5 Best Eco-Friendly iPhone Accessories.


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