ONLive App Launches For IOS and Android, Adds A Whole New Landscape...

ONLive App Launches For IOS and Android, Adds A Whole New Landscape For Mobile Gaming


OnLive, for those who don’t know, is a service that aims to deliver console quality games such as LA Noire and Batman: Arkham City to almost any device by streaming them. Well a new app was launched for both IOS and Android that will allow you to play those same games on your tablet or smartphone. Read on for more info:The ability to play the same games on my IPad as on my PS3 is very impressive and may change the landscape of the mobile gaming scene, but there are a few things to note. Streaming anything takes a lot of bandwidth, more so for games. So you’ll need both a fast connection and those with data caps probably shouldn’t apply. This is definitely more for the coffee shop than the drive home. The games you stream can be controlled by a specialized touch interface, or via a bluetooth controller. The service is available here.



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