Mobile Application Development Has Created Over 460k Jobs In The US

Mobile Application Development Has Created Over 460k Jobs In The US


According to some research done by TechNet, mobile application development has exploded in popularity and has become a real job creator in recent years. According to their report, in the last 4 years (since 2008) mobile applications have lead to the creation of 466k jobs in the United States. Now obviously this spans the entire mobile world with apps for Android, IOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry contributing to the total, but of them IOS is the most profitable. Where these jobs are distributed is also intriguingly lopsided. For example, 23.8% of those jobs are in California, nearly a 4th and far and away the highest percentage, with the next highest being NY with 6.9%. Mobile application development has become such a lucrative field that many schools are now dedicating programs to mobile applications, rather than just mobile infrastructure as they have historically. Pretty impressive numbers, and sure to only grow as time goes on.

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