BetYet?: Hey There Sports Fans! (Sponsored)

BetYet?: Hey There Sports Fans! (Sponsored)


BetYet iPhone App Review

I’ve always felt that if I didn’t have bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all and that’s why I avoid gambling, in order to still be able to pay rent, afford heating, water and food etc; however, when BetYet? offered me the opportunity for some risk-free betting, I jumped at the chance to have a little flutter without worrying about losing the roof over my head.

The concept of BetYet? is pretty simple; you start with a balance of $1, which the company kindly credits to your account free of charge when you sign up, then you can start your betting! You can bet on up to 10 games per day, all of which are sent to your iPhone’s screen via the app and are clearly displayed in a very aesthetically pleasing fruit machine format. So, let’s say that you’re betting on a basketball game, you may get Miami Heat vs. LA Lakers come up on the screen with a tip-off time and date of the match.

Compete against your friends in the results standings!

If your predicted result comes in, then BetYet? credits your account with a 1 cent for each win; the great thing is, if you don’t win overall during the week, you don’t lose any money. There are no point spreads or odds involved, so it is a simple case of picking the winner of the game. Once you get enough credit, you can cash in your balance for an in-app purchase; these range from a $10 gift voucher for Starbucks to money off your next Pizza Hut meal.

It may not be like winning the lottery, but you can guarantee a good caffeine and calorie fix if you strike lucky!

What I really like about BetYet? is that it integrates so well with Facebook; if you’re feeling cocky you can post your predictions or gloats on the BetYet? page or on your own wall and see where your place lies in the standings; it makes what is already quite a competitive atmosphere even more fun. Especially when you win…


  • The app is smooth, brightly coloured and easy to use, which makes constantly checking it a pleasure rather than a chore.
  • Game results are updated hourly so you don’t have to wait forever to celebrate/commiserate.
  • It has prevented me from falling into a pool of debt, circled by loan sharks and flavoured with self-loathing…just kidding. Sort of.

Room For Improvement

  • The only thing that I can think of is a wider variety of sports to bet on…table tennis championships, anyone?! Ooh, or the Olympics?!


If you are into sports, betting or both then you really should check out BetYet?; it’s free, fun and a great way to enjoy the sweet taste of gambling without swallowing the bitter pill of losing all of your cash and hitching a ride back to your parents’ house because you can’t afford the rent on your own flat. (This hasn’t happened to me. I promise…)

Sponsored App Feature: This is a sponsored app. Every week we do one sponsored app feature where we put a new app to test and ask our contributors to comment about it.


  1. Love this iPhone app! I am a HUGE sports fan and my wife doesn’t like me gambling online…this is the best of both worlds! However, if she thinks that I’m sharing my Pizza Hut win with her, she can whistle for it…

  2. What I like about this app is the fact that you don’t have to put any money into it at all, yet you still get the buzz of gambling and the sweet taste of victory!

  3. Cool app, it’s free, love the fruit machine layout. Would like to see some soccer matches on there in the next update!

  4. Very cool app, we’ll have to see how well I can do, but so far looks like it could be fun. I’ll let my Facebook friends know to join me on the “field”!


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