IndieCade Announces This Year’s Finalists!

IndieCade Announces This Year’s Finalists!


This year’s IndieCade Festival will be showcasing all of its 36 finalists on Oct 8th and 9th at Downtown Culver City, California. All 36 games will be playable for attendees, with the creators and many other industry luminaries in attendance to demonstrate their games and discuss the future of the independent gaming industry. Festival goers will get to play on every game that has been selected as well as attend workshops and conferences.

One of the finalists this year is the fantastic ‘Superbrothers: Swords & Sworcery’ by Capybara Games, an incredibly charming iPhone game which will be reviewed on very soon.

IndieCade 2011 will feature games of almost every genre and platform by independent game makers from all over the world. So if you’re looking for an action-packed gaming weekend, get yourself along to the only stand-alone independent-focused game event in the US.

Check out all the event info, buy passes and look at all the finalists at

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Laura Barnes
By night Laura is a musician and plays drums for Alt/Indie band BalloonMan, by day she is a staff writer for PCR magazine. Laura is a fully fledged App addict and also has a keen interest in Cinema, Art, Gaming and Japan.


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