Freedom UniMount: A Gripping Gadget For iPad Users

Freedom UniMount: A Gripping Gadget For iPad Users


Freedom UniMount
Seeing as there are quite a lot of ‘Mounting’ devices out there, what makes the Freedom UniMount stand out? Well for a start it appears to attach itself to pretty much anything. As the name suggests it is universal and will attached to any tablet or e-reader, so those tech nerds out there who have one of everything; just the one purchase is needed.

This gadget comes with a heavy duty mobile mounting strap and four suction cups, allowing it to adapt to any surface and location. In addition, its doubles as a kickstand, giving users the option of utilizing their device as a desk clock, picture frame and whatever else their clever little brains think of. The Freedom UniMount can also be permanently wall mounted using screws and detached using the Quick Release Bracket system.

The Freedom UniMount is currently available in six different colours and with claims that it will not only attach to any device but also attach your device to anything else including windows, desks, walls, mirrors and even air plane seats; perhaps this really is THE universal gadget!

Available at:
Price: $39.99


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