FanAppic fans get 25% off USB TurboCharger 7000 for the next week!

FanAppic fans get 25% off USB TurboCharger 7000 for the next week!



Oh, we do like to treat our loyal fans and nothing says ‘treat me’ like generous discounts on awesome products.  The folks over at Proporta have generated a 25% discount on their USB TurboCharger 7000 that is live until November 7th.  Yes, yes, you’re welcome, now get over there and get it!

Want a little info about the product?  My pleasure.  The TurboCharger 7000 has the capability to charge two devices simultaneously, with a High and a Low input for smaller and larger devices.  It carries quite a charge, so you’ll be able to top up your iPhones, iPads, iPods as well as other stuff that isn’t fashioned in the House of Apple when on the go.

With an array of charging heads, you can sync most devices up to this portable charger and it even comes in a sealable felt pouch.  Told you we’d treat you.

It usually costs £45.79 but with this link you get a 25% discount and use the promo code TURBO25 for the next week.  Enjoy!


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