En Masse Entertainment releases Battleplans for iOS

En Masse Entertainment releases Battleplans for iOS


Battleplans - 05

Formerly only available as an Android game, En Masse Entertainment have now produced an Apple-friendly version of the popular real-time strategy title. Available through the App Store for free, the title is sure to be a hit amongst the Apple crowd, after faring well for Android.

The general gist of the game centres around either defeating the in game ‘Skulls’ to defend your own land, or embarking on a worldwide quest to be the most innovative player online. Either way, with a host of special character abilities that need mastering for each hero, there’s a lot to glean from Battleplans.

If you find yourself slacking in the defence stakes, players can use the handy playback video feature that outlines exactly where a planned attack or defence has failed – there can be no holes in your plan! Strategy is key here, so get attacking those foes.

Speaking of the game, CEO of En Masse Entertainment -Sam Kim – writes: ”Battleplans provides a fresh, new spin on real-time strategy games and fills a need in the marketplace.

“Players will find themselves immediately getting to the

fun elements of an RTS with easy controls to build heroes and squads, as well as scalable resource management – all of which lends for a great experience while trying to outsmart your enemies.”

Available now, for free, from the App Store for iOS platforms.


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