App Reviews

App Reviews

Stop Snoring & Alarm for iPhone will ease your early mornings.

Released 20th May, 8.7 MB, £0.59 Do you ever feel like shouting ‘shut up’ to your wake up alarm and then it stops? Does your...

I find the world has conspired against me

In my own, perhaps biased opinion, I'm a pretty normal person with some pretty normal demands. I like to keep in contact with my...

New to iPhone? Here are a few app suggestions

You’ve seen it on the shelves for months. You’ve saved up for weeks. Everyone but you had it. You have wanted it for so...

Will’s top five apps

A newcomer to the iPhone fold, I cradled my first Apple product back in April last year, a 13” Macbook Pro. I’d love to...

iPhone and bathroom memories

MY TOP 5 APPS. About 4 weeks ago I dropped my iphone down the toilet in a reckless pee and text combination that went horribly...

The most downloaded iPhone app in Europe Shazam

The most downloaded iPhone app in the US, according to research by comScore, is Facebook. In the UK, tellingly, it's iPint from Carling, but...

RegaWordJam2 version 2.0 for iPhone Improves the Mind While Having Fun

Announcing that Rega Interactive, the developer of RegaWordJam2 has released an addictive new app. The application provides a very interactive way for users to...

A quick look at some of the main ipad apps

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