Stop Snoring & Alarm for iPhone will ease your early mornings.

Stop Snoring & Alarm for iPhone will ease your early mornings.


stop snoring and alarmReleased 20th May, 8.7 MB, £0.59

Do you ever feel like shouting ‘shut up’ to your wake up alarm and then it stops? Does your partner’s snoring keep you awake? If so, Stop Snoring & Alarm by Little Worlds Studio could be the app for you.

In the early mornings to come, you’ll never need to search for your snooze button again. You won’t even have to move. Simply whistle, shout or clap and your alarm will snooze for as many cycles as you wish or stop completely. Now that’s cool.

It can also detect snoring via your iPhones built in mic, then wake you by ringing or vibrating.  Whether you’re a loud or quiet snorer, you can set the detection levels to suit your personal sleeping habits. The ‘Analysis of Night’ feature will log how loudly you snored, how frequently and your reaction time, which can be viewed as a daily or weekly graph. Oh, and if your friends really want to know your snoring patterns, why not post them on facebook.

The app is packed with enough ring tones for all tastes. From relaxing piano riffs to techno, explosions to farts and other creative sound effects to help you get out of bed. Do you think the sound of a coffee machine waking you up would be nice? Yes, there’s even a ring tone of this.

Not impressed? Well, it’s even possible to customise your ring tone for the standard alarm and the snoring detection alert. Select your music from the app’s link to your iPod or why not record yourself or your partners voice. “Babe, shut the hell up your snoring’’ for example. Gradual volumes can be assigned to the ring tones and all can be tested.

Activating the snoring detection when alone is pointless. But it could help your partner sleep as you’ll only snore for short periods of time which may help struggling relationships. Unlike the app Against Snoring & Sleep Apnea, it doesn’t give insight as to why you snore or how you can stop. It will simply save the other person having to constantly wake you up.

The interface looks basic but many features can be customised. Everything works efficiently but using the built in mic means it picks up all sounds, therefore the snoring analysis wont always be accurate.  Anyhow, Stop Snoring & Alarm is great fun and will wake you up in style.

Get this App from iTunes


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