Games Apps

Games Apps

Basketball fans can now practice their shots with iBasket

Alley oop, fast break, rim shot and brick may all sound like four members of an X Factor reject rap group to most people,...

Hotshot Pool app can get you more girls!

Sex sells.  This is a fact.  Advertising companies have made billions of pounds proving this certifiable fact and we have all shelled out ridiculous...

For anyone who hasn’t seen Top Gun, iCopter might just cut it

There is a reason why Top Gun featured planes rather than helicopters and that reason is very simple…planes are just cooler.  You can do...

Learn to manage your stress the fun way with Flight Control

Have you ever heard that being an air traffic controller can only legally work for 45 minutes at a time without having to take...

Kick Flick Football HD: Finger-flick free kicks in a Parallel Neon Universe

Attempts to create a vaguely realistic football game for the iPad have thus far fallen flat. The iPad versions of both the FIFA and...

Touch Hockey: FS5 Bare-bones Air Hockey game

It's often the case with iPhone games that the simple ones are best. While the iPhone has proven itself to be a format capable...

Kick Flick Football 2010 HD: Finger-flick free kicks in a Parallel Neon Universe

Attempts to create a vaguely realistic football game for the iPhone have thus far fallen flat. The iPhone versions of both the FIFA and...

AMATEUR SURGEON 2 – Forget forceps and scalpels; Think more pizza cutters and Car...

Enter the world of uncertified, unsanitary, backstreet surgery! Forget health and safety, forget scary scalpels, forget fiddly forceps and forget those funny antiseptic gel...

Top 10 Free iPhone Games Of 2010

Free stuff is a rare commodity, maybe because most of the time it isn't a particularly lucrative commodity. Nevertheless, we all love free stuff...

The Karate Kid – Now YOU Can Be a Black Belt

If you ever fancied getting your black belt in karate but couldn’t be bothered with the hard work, this game is for you! The...

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