5 Pointless iPhone Apps

5 Pointless iPhone Apps


For every brilliant iPhone app, there’s got to be another that leaves a lot to be desired. Here, we check out five pretty pointless apps on the market at the moment as the countdown continues to the launch of the iPhone 5, thanks to our guest blogger Emma Barnes from www.expansys.com.

1. It’s Rubbish! – Updated:20 July 2010, Price:£0.59, Developer:Matt Wilson It's Rubbish! - Matt Wilson

Rubbish just about sums this up. Brand something as ‘rubbish’ and it’ll say so on the screen with a bag full of junk lurking in the background. Is this really what the iPhone was invented for? Once you’ve written your name or a friend’s name, you’ll be bored, if not sooner.

2. Name Tag – Updated:06 September 2008, Price:£0.59, Developer: Jonathan George NameTag - appremix

It does exactly what the title suggests – it’s a name tag. Nothing more. Nothing less. Quite when this would come in handy or be necessary is beyond us. And to think some people who have the cheek to suggest that the current generation are no longer communicating properly with each other! Imagine meeting somebody for the first time and when they ask who you are, you pointed excitedly to your iPhone screen instead of using your own mouth to tell them.

3. My Lighter -Updated:15 August 2008, Price:Free, Developer: DoApp, Inc. myLighter - doapp, inc

No rock concert is complete without crowds of people holding lighters aloft. Luckily for those music fans who don’t smoke, help is now at hand. Grab your virtual lighter and wave it around to your heart’s content, even when you’re not even at a gig. And, what’s more, it’ll never go out and you don’t even have to pay for refills. That’s a win-win situation. Isn’t it?

4. Spirit Level – Updated:03 July 2009, Price:£1.19, Developer: Reuben Bijl Spirit Level - Smudge Apps

Don’t you just hate it when you realise that you’ve left your trusty spirit level at home and need to check if a surface is, well, level? No, nor us. Dubbed as the handyman’s best friend, it bleeps when the bubble is perfectly in the middle. Can you really picture someone in the middle of a bustling building site whipping their expensive iPhone out to quickly check if a piece of timber or a wall is on a slant or not? It’s probably safe to say that the old-fashioned spirit level can rest easy.

5. Virtual Beer

You’ve had a hard day at the office or with the kids and need to kick back, take the weight off your feet and relax. Why get a cold one out of the fridge or head to your nearest bar when you can pretend to drink a beer?  Down it in one tilt of the iPhone or take your time, the opportunities are endless and hours of fun are guaranteed. The only good thing about the Virtual Beer is that your hangover will also be virtual.

Emma Barnes is a guest blogger from www.expansys.com.


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