Monday mornings are never the most joyous of times, with everybody wiping sleep out of their eyes as they struggle to remember/try to forget the weekend’s shenanigans. However, with the aid of an iPhone and the will to download a few apps, you can transform your miserable moments into hours of laughter-filled fun. So, without further ado, here are five fun iPhone apps that will help wipe away your Monday blues!
Unicorn Shots – Free, Updated: Oct 29, 2010, Current Version: 1.38, Seller: Unicorn Labs, LLC
OK, first up we have the hilarious Unicorn Shots, a lovely little app that allows users the ability to add goggle eyes to any photo in their library. By photo-shopping crazy eyes and silly tattoos onto your pictures, you can brighten up even the most miserable of images, forcing a smile on to the face of even the grumpiest humbug in the room!
Unnecessary Censorship – $0.99, Updated: Mar 06, 2011, Current Version: 1.3, Seller: Darren Murtha

This ones a new release and it is bound to tickle a few pranksters till they are pink; if you have taken an innocent video or picture over the weekend and want to spice it up a little, simply download Unnecessary Censorship and add a few beeps or pixels to your video to make the most innocent of images or outbursts seem incredibly rude!
To read the full review of Unnecessary Censorship, click here.
Drunk Fly – $0.99, Updated: Sep 25, 2009, Current Version: 1.1, Seller: Creative Coefficient Corp.

A sure-fire way to inject some fun into your Monday morning is to annoy your friends and co-workers; sure, it might not make you the most popular person in the office, but it does guarantee a good giggle. Drunk Fly has a list of pre-recorded sounds that you can secretly play on your iPhone that will annoy the Hell out of your friends as they try to locate the source of the buzzing; when they finally locate the source as not an inebriated insect but your iPhone, a ‘You Got Me!’ screen plays. You may lose a friend or two over this one, but it’s well worth it.
To read the full review of Drunk Fly, click here.
Lie Detector Pro – $0.99, Released: Jun 16, 2010, Version: 1.0, Seller: Mappsol, LLC

Ever suspect that your closest friends are lying to you? Well, now you can find out with Lie Detector Pro, an iPhone app that doubles as your very own private detective, intent on discovering the truth at any cost, (actually, the price is $0.99, cheaper than most snoops). Watch your buddies quiver as their finger touches the interactive scanner and snicker as their wobbling voice betrays them on the audio detection section…now you’ll know who too the last cookie from the jar!
To read the full review of Lie Detector Pro, click here.
Etch A Sketch – Free, Updated: Jan 26, 2011, Current Version: 3.85.131, Seller: Freeze Tag, Inc.

Now there’s not a lot more fun than doodling, but if you’re an eco-warrior intent on saving the environment from the mountain of scrunched up post-its, or you just like to scribble on the go, then this app is for you. Etch A Sketch allows you to draw on your iPhone by using the two knobs on either side of the screen or trace with your finger, even letting you save your doodles and send them to your friends! A must have retro app.
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Ha, glad you liked it – please do recommend it to your friends and share this post!
Those are funny apps, thanks!
I gotta get etch a sketch as that brings back memories. Puppy Kisses is another cute app to check out.
Too bad that Unicorn shots app is paid! I know of a similar app, Picturizr that’s free on the App store, but they also have paid downloads on the app too. Cool list BTW! I downloaded Etch a Sketch, fun!