What Will The iPhone 5 Look Like?

What Will The iPhone 5 Look Like?


What Will The iPhone 5 Look Like?

Image courtesy of Alternative Industries

There’s a lot of hubbub surrounding the impending launch of Apple’s fifth generation of iPhone, so we thought that we’d do a little research and see what the experts are predicting.

As you can see from the picture from Alternative Industries on ispazio.net, the iPhone is even thinner than its predecessors at only 4 mm thick and the comparatively large screen takes up the entire front terminal. AI also envisages that the sim will be built directly into the device; could this be for anti-theft purposes?

Image courtesy of thisismynext.com

thisismynext.com have an alternative view of the new iPhone, with a similarly slim design, but without the screen taking up all of the front terminal.

Writing for Engadget, Joshua Topolsky states that, “The design of the phone is set to radically change (‘a completely redesigned handset’). Our sources say the new model (or at least one of the new designs in testing) looks ‘more like the iPod touch than the iPhone 4.’ The phone will be thinner than the iPhone 4, and may have a ‘teardrop’ shape which goes from thick to thin (something along the lines of the MacBook Air profile).”

One man who is going to know before the rest of us is Rob Shoesmith, the iPhone fanatic who is planning to camp out outside a London Apple Store in the weeks preceding the release, surviving on sponsorship and donations from generous companies! Read iPhoneAppCafe’s interview with Rob here!

bizarre.com’s vision of the new iPhone 5

Image courtesy of Bizarro.com

And just for laughs, here’s bizarre.com’s vision of the new iPhone 5! Pretty cool, hey?!

What do you think? Do you reckon that it will be as tall and slim as AI is counting on? What apps do you think will be launched with it? Is it going to be worth the hype? Post your answers below!


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