Hangman Deluxe: Bored Of Hanging Around

Hangman Deluxe: Bored Of Hanging Around


Hangman Deluxe iPhone App Review
A spooky spin on a classic game.


  • Monster theme perfect for Halloween season
  • Part of Game Center


  • Only one theme available.
  • There is a 99 cent upgrade to activate other themes and remove ads.
  • Only short words available.
  • For a 99 cent upgrade you can purchase medium and long words, it will also remove ads.

I am not a fan of game apps that advertise as free, and then only give you a portion of the game. Just charge 1.99 for the game and make it awesome. No ads, all the themes and extras. After playing a few rounds of 4 letter words I was rather bored.


  1. Dear Chrystal,
    my name is Ludovic, and I’m working at AHEAD SOLUTIONS, the “Hangman Deluxe” Developer.

    First of all, thank you very much for your useful feedback. It is always fruitful to exchange points of view, especially coming from experts!

    This said, I’d just like to draw your attention and your readers’ on two things:

    1) Medium and Long words can be unlocked by achieving specific scores. Thus, In-App purchase is not a necessity. Like numerous games (for example Angry Birds), we took the approach that the player needed to achieve one level to get to the next one. (Same principle with Themes)

    2) Your prayers have been answered!: You can now download our “Hangman Deluxe Premium” (free for a limited time), where you will have access to all of our themes. Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hangman-deluxe-premium/id471877005?mt=8

    We had a look around at the different hangman games that are currently offered, and we truly think that our App is a quality one. We are also dedicated to improve it and will regularly update it, so please stay tuned!

    Thank you for your time!

  2. Thank you for letting me know. I think a lot of people will have fun with it. I will download the premium edition and get you a review for that one as well.


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