App Idol: Today is the last chance to submit your idea!

App Idol: Today is the last chance to submit your idea!


App Idol: 4 Days Left!

Today is the final deadline for submissions to our App Idol contest; so far we’ve had a fantastic array of applicants submitting some great ideas; some interesting, some wacky and some that are downright weird!

Although we’ve had over 500 submissions, we’re still on the lookout for a few more innovative app and game suggestions with that ‘X factor’; you still have the opportunity to submit your idea as the lines close on Tuesday 24th July. If you think that you have what it takes to become an app star, then submit your idea and we just may choose you to go through to the next round. In particular we are on the look out for more simple and fun game ideas. Also unique solutions to certain needs or problems will have a good chance.

Here’s a little reminder of what you stand to win:

$1000 prize money sponsored by iGame Radio
Leading development agency Locassa will develop your app
Feedback and mentoring from 4 successful app entrepreneurs
Marketing on
The winner will be featured in the iPhone Life magazine
AppLaunch service for free



Submit your ideas here and cross your fingers…good luck!



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