7 Apps That Don’t Exist For The iPad (But I Wish They...

7 Apps That Don’t Exist For The iPad (But I Wish They Did)


While there are thousands of apps in iTunes that are incredibly useful, there’s always room for improvement. Below are seven apps that I wish existed for the iPad, but, as of the date of this article’s publication, do not.

1. Fart-B-Gone

Let’s be honest here, one of the first apps you grabbed when you got your shiny new iDevice was one of the myriad fart apps out there. The appeal of a farting phone or tablet is pretty universal and speaks to the 12-year old in all of us. However, you’ve gotten over the novelty and keep forgetting to delete those darned fart apps. Enter Fart-B-Gone, which will automatically delete all those fart apps for you, without you having to go through all the trouble of remembering which folder contains that useless waste of your giggle-bytes.

2. Webcomics Aggregator

Sure, you can set up RSS feeds to view your favourite webcomics, and there are a few webcomic-specific apps out there, but wouldn’t it be nice to have a dedicated app specifically for webcomics? Just type in the URLs of your favourite web funnies and away you go. To get more artists on board, this theoretical app should also include a way to donate to the artist or to easily visit their web store. Webcomic artists gotta eat, y’know?

3. Chrome Web Browser

Chrome is my web browser of choice for a multitude of reasons. In fact, the only place that I don’t use Chrome is on my iPad. An official Chrome web browser would be the bee’s knees and would encourage me to spend even more time using my iPad as a browser. Bonus points if they can add some of the features of the Mercury Web Browser for the iPad.

4. WallpaperSwitch

I don’t know how this app would work but then, that’s probably part of the reason I don’t design apps. Let’s say that you have a questionable wallpaper, something unprofessional such as hot women wearing bikinis and dressed like anime catgirls. (It’s my phone, OK?!) You’d like to be able to make a gesture on your screen and instantly change that wallpaper to something more professional, like a picture of your family. Perfect for those times the boss is visiting your desk. Or your wife.

5. A speak-to-translate app that actually works well

I know, this one is difficult to do and I don’t expect to see it anytime soon. There is an app called SayHi that does exist that allows you to speak and translates your speech into a language of your choice and also the person you are speaking with to speak in their native language and translates it into your native language, kind of like a “universal translator” if you will. However, while this is a neat party trick, I can’t recommend this app in a more important/serious role. It’s pretty far from perfect in its translations and, while the results are oftentimes quite humorous, relying on it could lead to some embarrassing situations. An improved version on this app that is more accurate would be simply awesome.

6. SaveAsPDF

Similar to CutePDF for the PC, this app would allow you to take a document that you have on your screen, such as a Pages doc, and save it as a PDF. Bonus points if it can sync up with a cloud service such as Dropbox to save the PDF file directly to your service of choice.

world of warcraft ipad

7. iWorldofWarcraft

World of Warcraft. On the iPad. ’nuff said. Goodbye, productivity….

Do you have a good, bad or crazy idea for an app that doesn’t exist yet? Leave us a comment and please share this article with your pals!


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