3 Apps You’ll Want On Your Phone For A Long Commute

3 Apps You’ll Want On Your Phone For A Long Commute


Living in big metropolitan cities has a myriad of benefits; good restaurants, nightlife, activities etc. but it also often means, skyscraper-high rents which force workers out of the centre and into the residential areas further afield. That morning commute can be a long hard trip for some, especially if you’re not completely psyched to get to a day of work at the end of it. But luckily the good ol’ world of apps is here to make life that little bit more interesting, bearable and fun. Here’s our pick of the top three apps you’ll want on your phone for a long commute when you’re out of range to play your favourite slots game.


This one actually comes on iPhones automatically, but a lot of people don’t realise what an awesome app this really is. You can download a whole raft of different podcasts onto your phone for when you’re out of range on the subway. Choose anything between drama, mystery, comedy, thought provocation, interviews or even just sports. If you find a channel that you like then you can favourite the artist for later on. Podcasts can either be short and snappy or for longer journey’s you can dive into a full on hour-long discussion or story on your favourite subjects.


News is a tricky thing to keep on top of and with so much going on it’s hard to know where to direct your focus. Pocket is a brilliant little app, as you can highlight interesting headlines that you see throughout the day, but don’t have time to read, and save them for your commute home. Again, the best thing about this app is that you can use it offline, making it perfect for underground journeys.


This app’s brilliant for short little commutes or overly crowded one’s, where the prospect of opening up a book is a far flung fantasy. Hooked, is a collection of short stories, told through a text-like conversation between two people. You can choose between heart-racing thrillers of mysteries or human interest stories about love and connection. As the conversations are only ever a few minutes long, they’re the perfect size to get you through a few 10 minute rides on your way back home.


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