We Need Your Help! Should iPadAppCafe.com Become Part of iPhoneAppCafe.com?

We Need Your Help! Should iPadAppCafe.com Become Part of iPhoneAppCafe.com?


Hello iFans! We aim to bring you the best news, reviews and features all about the world of iPhones and iPads; in order to this, we need your feedback. As you know, we have iPhoneAppCafe.com and iPadAppCafe.com, both covering their respective iDevices. What we want to know is should we incorporate the two and have iPhoneAppCafe.com as one site with an iPad section, or do you prefer having iPadAppCafe as a separate site?

Your feedback is really important to us and we really value your comments. Please vote on the poll below, or if you have any further comments, please email us at contact@fanappic.com or leave a post on our Facebook page.

Thank you very much,

The iPhoneAppCafe Team


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