Use iPhone Parental Controls to Reduce Screen Time

Use iPhone Parental Controls to Reduce Screen Time


iphone parental control

An average teenager spends 8 hours and 41 minutes on their cell phones; this is 20 minutes more than the average night’s sleep and 61% of them are iPhone users. Sleep experts warn parents that continuous exposure to mobile devices is leading to poor sleep habits, which has a direct effect on their health. An infographic by statista shows that iPhone sales have gone up as much as 40% since last year:

iphone statista

So, this is great news for Apple, but not so great news for parents; the increasing popularity of iPhones means even more usage of these devices all day and night long. Teens spend more than half of their day scrolling on their iPhones, and they even keep them close while sleeping. It’s as if their whole life depends on it.

While it is great that teens receive updates from new technology and latest gadgets, too much screen time poses a direct threat to their health and future. So what can parents do to limit their screen time? One thing would be to use the problem as the cure and use iPhone parental control to limit their screen time.

But first, let’s have a look at the potential harm of constant cell phone use, especially late at night:

Can cause:

 weak eyesight

 Sleep deprivation

 Mood swings

This can result in:

 Poor grades.

 Unable to concentrate on anything

 Can be exposed to online predators, cyber bullying, adult apps and misleading content

iPhone Parental apps- Life saviors for parents!

So, do we just ban teenagers’ smartphones? This would be a rash, knee-jerk decision that would probably cause more harm than good. Instead of scolding them when they use their phones late at night or having to go through the troublesome and tiring discussion of confiscating their phones at night, try a smart approach. The smart thing to do would be to use parental monitoring apps like FamilyTime, to control how much time your teens spend on their phones.

This app lets you monitor your teens’ location, view their web-history and bookmarks, look at their call logs and contacts, Geo-fence places to receive check-in and check-out alerts and much more. FamilyTime lets you remotely lock your teen’s phone from your dashboard during study and sleep hours, assuring peace of mind as you drift off to sleep.

teens with iphone

Now instead of constantly reminding them to not use their phones when they study and sleep, you can just disable their phones by entering the code given to you on their child app and enable the phone again when you want them to be able to use it.

Health is wealth!

Excess of everything is bad. Your teens can not only get sick from junk food or bad weather, but also from over use of their gadgets, whether it’s phones, laptops, TV or tablets. Know when you have to act to keep your teen away from this tech over-dose, but don’t let this create a negative atmosphere between the two of you. Set some ground rules for hours and time of gadget usage in the house and elsewhere as an additional precaution; then you can iPhone parental controls to limit their usage yourself when they don’t follow those rules. Make parenting a fun and loving experience for both of you by ensuring their health should be your priority at all times!


  1. thanks for the article, really like the first part as I also think that my kids spend too much time with their devices. But don’t really like the idea of monitoring phone calls, contacts etc – more like spying to me. I as a parent believe, that we should use something more for control and less for spying. How can I teach my child trust and respect if I don’t do that to her? Of course, it’s each parent choice to make, but personally I prefer app that only controls (I use Kidslox) and not spies.


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