Tarot of Magus – Fortune Catcher:Diet Tarot’

Tarot of Magus – Fortune Catcher:Diet Tarot’


Catch your tarot card. Shake the phone, hear the tune, get your card. Tap the card to find your reading.


  • It’s tarot
  • It’s fun (you shake instead of tap)
  • Three categories to choose from; general, work, and love
  • Put in your birth date for a special birthday reading (I’m a lover!)
  • Card list shows all cards for you to read and enjoy


  • The graphics look like a child drew them
  • The price


I am a sucker for Tarot apps. I think I should add an item to my bucket list “to try out every single iPhone Tarot App.” Of course it would never happen since new ones are added all the time. When this one landed on my desk, I eagerly scooped it up. I was a tad leary of the crazy icon, the graphics are a bit loud. Not something that appeals to any tarot reader that I know. Most like them to be peaceful, surreal to reach that Zen space when giving a reading. I am also not to keen on the shaking of the iPhone to get your card. I can see the purpose of shaking in some games, but Tarot is taken seriously by so many and shaking it makes it seem game like and not Zen like. Not sure how well this is going to go over with the tarot community, especially with the hefty $3.99 price tag.


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