Steven Seagull, Over Sea’ge: Do You See What They Did There?

Steven Seagull, Over Sea’ge: Do You See What They Did There?


Steven Seagull iPhone App Review
I often wonder which came first, the name of the game or the game and then the name? I think they clearly came up with the name first on this title however as if it had been the other way round I’d probably call it “Fly and Die” – but maybe they’ll use that as a squawk-el (they’re not the only ones who can play on words).

Basically you have two buttons to use; on the left is your flight tab and on the right is the kicking tab. What you must try to do is work your way through a seemingly endless scrolling assault course of hazards – some of which you can kick your way through, others you’ll discover you can’t!

In effect, you have two paths to go by, the path of peace – where you try to avoid any confrontation and simply go the distance, the other is what I opted for, the path of kicking everything’s ass! This also gives you additional points but not without its risks.
This is a pretty simple game but don’t let this simplicity fool you as there are more enemies than you could probably handle and inevitably whichever path you choose to go by, you’ll probably end up food for the fishes.

Overall, it’s a good game for a frenzied few minutes of fun and if the repetitiveness doesn’t deter you then you’ll probably end up hooked. The graphics are cartoon-like and the controls are simple but effective. It’s pretty basic so could appeal to the retro gamers scene.


Pretty challenging
Nice cartoon appearance
Entertaining – especially with some power-ups


Very repetitive
No option to change difficulty


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