Sony Ericsson Makes The Divorce Official, To Become Just Sony As Of...

Sony Ericsson Makes The Divorce Official, To Become Just Sony As Of Mid-2012


Well we had some hints it was coming, but today Sony made it official. The Sony-Ericsson phone partnership responsible for mostly mediocre Android smartphones and the Play, will become just Sony. Details after he jump:The new deal will see both companies as independent entities again, and according to Sony, will strengthen their brand and allow them to become a major player again.  Personally, this news makes me excited for the future of Sony smartphone in particular. The Tablet S and PSVita have proved that some divisions of Sony know what they are doing in terms of hardware, so it will be great to see what they can come up with in terms of a real smartphone. What do you guys think? Is this a sing of great things to come, or a misstep for both parties? Let us know in the comments below.


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