Never Miss Taking Your Birth Control Pill with Ginger-U

Never Miss Taking Your Birth Control Pill with Ginger-U


When it comes to birth control pills, the regularity in which you take it is of utmost importance. Even if you think you can remember to take it daily without reminder apps, forgetting even just once could lead to an unwanted pregnancy. That’s why today we’ll be covering Ginger-U – an intuitive and feature-rich birth control pill reminder app for iOS & Android.

Simple & straightforward

After you sign up Ginger-U will lead you to a neat calendar. Here you can add the information about your birth control pill intake. The app will remind you daily to take your birth control pill. So, if you are looking for a simple pill reminder & tracker, Ginger-U will do the job perfectly for you. But there are a few more features we also liked.

Adherence, Side Effects & Mood Diary

Unlike the other similar pill trackers, Ginger-U goes further into tracking. There is an adherence page where you can track your adherence behavior over the days and track the days you took the birth control pill on time. With these parameters, you strive to make your adherence perfect each month.

Additionally, you can also input and track any side effects that you’ve experienced from taking a certain birth control pill. Whether you were moody, had a headache or you felt bloated, you can track and register everything in the “Side Effects” section. In that context, it is also worth noting that you can also input information into the diary section regarding your moods, behaviors, and general health for each day.

Pill Info

For additional information on the birth control pill brand you use, you can check data for your specific pill as there are over 180 oral contraceptive pill manufacturer labels. It features all the important info in scrollable pdf pages within the app. Our experience with the app was nearly flawless. We loved how simple the app is to use, as well as how resourceful it is. So, if you are taking contraceptive pills, Ginger-U is a must-try. Especially since it’s free and it can be of extreme help in your day to day life.


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