MUYBRIDGIZER – Recreate the pioneering photos of Muybridge

MUYBRIDGIZER – Recreate the pioneering photos of Muybridge


Re-create photos inspired by one of photography’s earliest innovators Eadweard Muybridge.

IPhone photography is growing and with tons of different camera apps available there is no limit to the effects you can achieve. With the Muybridgizer you can take authentic photos recreating the pioneering work of Eadweard Muybridge. An eccentric innovator, Muybridge used early cameras to create a sequence of still photos of animals and people in mid-motion.

The famous sequence of the galloping horse was used to settle whether or not all the horses’ hooves leave the ground in the crucial “flying” moment. Muybridge then developed a system of re-animating his still photographs by painting them onto glass discs and projecting them through his own invention, the zoopraxiscope.

Choose between 3×3 or 4×4 sequence and slow or fast exposure depending on what motion you wish to capture. Point, shoot and follow! Quickly you can then view your stills in grid, or select one and view them in sequence. Slide your finger to start the spinning of the zoopraxiscope and bring your images back to life, or reverse the spin and see what life looks like backwards.

All the still pictures are presented in a rich, vintage sepia tones and the animation effect created is stunning. Photos can be shared easily through Facebook, email or straight onto your Flickr account. Quickly I was able to shoot some natural scenes on my way to work, and although these have not the concept and beauty of Muybridge’s own work, this certainly is a new, interesting medium for all iPhone photographers to experiment with.

This app is free of charge for a limited time to promote the current major exhibition of Muybridge’s work in the Tate Britain Gallery, so download it quick. Muybridge’s work combining super-fast shutter speeds as well as his zoopraxiscope was a precursor for both projected films and drawn animation.


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