Monday’s News Round Up: Big Trouble In Little Gmail!

Monday’s News Round Up: Big Trouble In Little Gmail!


The Google team have been busy trying to amend a ‘Reset’ that occurred which has resulted in missing emails, themes, labels and headings for Gmail users; it has only affected 0.29% of Gmailers…are you one of the unlucky few?

Pictures have emerged of the (rumoured) new iPhone 5, which is said to have a larger 4 inch screen and a smaller bezel, (border to you and me), than its predecessors…great for gaming apps!

And finally, the iPhone got a huge public airing as eccentric actor James Franco stared at his very own screen whilst hosting the Oscars!  Well, with the hyper-chirpy Anne Hathaway as his co-host rabbiting away right next to him, who could blame him?!  Which app was he looking at?  Post your comments!


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