Friends Events: We’re attending, are you?

Friends Events: We’re attending, are you?


Friends Events iPhone App Review

Isn’t Facebook wonderful? Not only can you keep in touch with friends, enemies, frenemies, exes and those kids you went to school with whose kids now also have kids; but it also helps save the environment, by not having to post invitations to birthdays, leaving parties and random groups just celebrating the fact it’s Friday so ‘join us down the pub.’

Friends Events is just like Jim from The Apprentice; it does exactly what it says on the tin,showing you what events your friends are attending, where they are taking place and giving you the chance to RVSP right there and then.

A simple yet effective concept, which funnily enough is not yet available when you log on to Facebook via the standard Iphone app. Using it couldn’t be simpler; just log on and the events are listed before your very eyes.

Now you can randomly turn up at that bar, and pretend to act aloof when your ex wonders what a small world it is, and out of all the bars in London you happen to be in that one. They’ll call it fate, you’ll call it ingenious apps-menship.


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