ForeverMap: A Great Alternative To Google Maps

ForeverMap: A Great Alternative To Google Maps


Forever Map iPhone App Review

For those of you who are a little tired of waiting for Google Maps to load as you get later and later on your way to an appointment or a date, you may want to check out ForeverMap. ForeverMap allows you to download maps of areas and neighbourhoods all over the world, with particular focus on the US and Europe, so that you can navigate your way around by using your iPhone. Oh, and here’s the kicker…you don’t need a data connection to use it!

That’s right, no longer will you be stranded in the back end of no where trying desperately to find signal while standing on a tree stump or bartering in coffee houses to use their free Wi-Fi, all of the maps will be stored on your iPhone redy to use as soon as you switch it on, which also means that your data allowance won’t be sucked up. You can use such features as address search, location finder, route calculation and loads of information on places of interest provided by Wikipedia, all of which are fully functional sans data connection. The Wikipedia function is really cool, particularly if you are travelling and want to find out features about the places that you are exploring.

The maps do take up a fair amount of space on your iPhone, but you can just delete them as you go from place to place, keeping the ones that you visit regularly. For just under $3, you can save yourself a lot of data roaming charges and Wi-Finding headaches and you can learn a little something about where you are in the world. A bit of a winner, really.


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