Final Freeway: Attention All Outrun fans!

Final Freeway: Attention All Outrun fans!


Final Freeway iPad App Review
Remember the days of going to the arcade, playing Outrun and being amazed at how fast and cool it was? Remember the good ol’ Sega Megadrive days of Road Rash? If these questions get your brain all clogged up with nostalgia I can guarantee that you’re going to enjoy playing Final Freeway.

Davide Pasca has created a wonderful old-school racing game that’s sure to send you back to the late 80s/early 90s when arcade racing games were huge. Once you load up the game it even starts a ‘demo’ mode just like the arcades do before you put your money in!

There may not be collectable items scattered about the track, upgrades, weapons or any other elements to boost its reply value, this is because Final Freeway isn’t that sort of game, it’s all about the high score and how far you can get. You might not be playing it for hours on end but you’ll certainly come back to it every time you need that quick, retro fix.

Pros: This game has fantastic scrolling scenery and includes 6 different control options.

Cons: Although the courses are great (and the further you get the more varied the backgrounds become) there are currently only 2 provided.

Everything from the music to the engine sounds to the scantily clad girls waving you off at the start of the race does an incredible job of playing homage to the great racing games of the 80s.



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