Celtx Script: The Handy Handheld Interrogational Scriptwriter

Celtx Script: The Handy Handheld Interrogational Scriptwriter


celtx script ipad app review
Celtx, for those who don’t know, is a free alternative of First Draft that brings the best bits of First Draft with some features of its own to create a complete media pre-production software collection. It is not a surprise that it would make its way to the App Store.

Being only 608 KB, this is certainly one of the most lightweight apps making for a simple download over 3G network and even faster over Wi-Fi. Sadly this app doesn’t match up to its computer counterpart, however in its place offers an interrogational way to use all your Apple devices for your writing pleasure. It is in this function that it is safe from the rubbish bin.

Celtx is a universal application, this means it fully supports the iPhone, iTouch and iPad;
this also means, buying it once and you can use it on any of these devices with full sync integration.

Gone are the days of wanting to write only to find your laptop is low on battery – this App has found the Solution; send it to your iPhone or iPad. Once home, sync to your computer and voila, you can continue where you left off without too many problems. iPad is the closest to its computer brother, making the seamless transition from the laptop to the iPad. However iPhone users, the size of the keyboard does make it harder for the creative juices to flow. This is a small price to pay for an app that is simple, does what it was made to do and removes the boundaries of the laptop power supply.


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