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FanAppic - Driving

The 5 Best Pieces of Tech That Can Prevent a Car Accident

Getting into a car accident is just one of those bummers you might have to experience if you get behind the wheel of a...
FanAppic - smartphone

What to Do If Your iPhone Won’t Turn On

We basically live with our phones attached to us these days. So it can be a pretty terrifying experience if something goes amiss when...
FanAppic- office chair

The Science Behind Coworking Spaces (And Why App Devs Find Them Useful)

You’ve heard about coworking space – perhaps you’ve even tried one out – but what is it about these unique workspaces that makes them...
FanAppic - money

5 Apps That Can Make You Money

If you’re like most people, you can definitely benefit from having extra cash in your wallet. And what better way to make money than...
FanAppic - SSL

Are There Any Risks In Using Free SSL Certificate

Also known as Secure Sockets Layer certificates, SSL certificates help secure the communication between a server and an online user. They reduce the chances...
FanAppic - housing

4 Apps That Take The Stress Out Of Property Investment

If you’re interested in investing then you’ve probably heard about property investment. Property investment is the type of investing where you invest in properties i.e....

Emerging Technologies Transforming The Gaming Industry

The gaming industry is one of the fastest growing industries out there - and it’s showing no signs of slowing down - as updates...
FanAppic - SOA

Blueprinting The Future Of SOA

Rigid. Temperamental. Costly. These are not words which today’s business leaders want describing their infrastructure and application development. Both XML and web...
FanAppic - driving

How the Latest Technology Can Help You Avoid a Car Accident

Technology is changing the way we do a lot of things - everything from navigation to communication - and one of the...
FanAppic - Porsche

How Porsche Is Revolutionizing the Car Industry with New Technologies

The Porsche car company has always pushed the limits with their design and features. Their models often have more advanced technology than...

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