
FanAppic - Driving

The 5 Best Pieces of Tech That Can Prevent a Car Accident

Getting into a car accident is just one of those bummers you might have to experience if you get behind the wheel of a...

Why Should You Choose Safe Online Games?

You can play games just about anywhere today, whether it be on a tablet, console, mobile phone or a  laptop. With the many safe...
FanAppic - video games

3 Surprising Benefits of Playing Action-Based Video Games

Video games are often credited as being time-wasters, detractions from other activities that are perceived as “more worthwhile.” However, what a great number of...
FanAppic - cars

5 famous video game and movie cars in real life

Movies like Jurassic Park and Bullitt are classics. No doubt. However, sometimes the cars featured in movies and video games become iconic in their...
FanAppic - Video

Video Production for Beginners: Make Your First Video by Following These 5 Simple Steps

Videos are incredibly popular online as they have the ability to spread messages better than text or images. While anyone can use their smartphone...
FanAppic - robots

Facts about Industrial Robots

Industrial robots can be traced back to efforts of automation made by the ancient Greeks and Romans. In the early years robots were mainly...
FanAppic - cemetery

Is Technology Changing the Funeral Industry?

Technological innovations continue to both improve and alter the world we live in. The funeral industry is just one more business that’s being shaken...

The 5 Best Dental Health Apps

Your smile is important, so keeping those pearly whites healthy should be one of your top priorities. But with your busy life, it can...
FanAppic - smartphone

What to Do If Your iPhone Won’t Turn On

We basically live with our phones attached to us these days. So it can be a pretty terrifying experience if something goes amiss when...
FanAppic - gamer

Which Is Best PS4 or Xbox?

It seems to be a battle that has been going on for years with Sony and Microsoft long being the top dogs of the...

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