We’ve just received notification that music industry giants KORG are beginning a monthly giveaway of micro series products until the end of the year. To celebrate 10 years of the microKORG, KORG’s “micro” family of products, the producer of quality music equipment is giving away a different product every month from May 1 through Dec 31, 2012!

If we take a little stroll down memory lane, the compact and portable microKorg Synthesizer/Vocoder was released in the summer of 2002 and this virtual analog keyboard opened a new avenue for music-making. Bedroom musicians, producers and DJs around the world rejoiced as they could now add the professional sounds of the microKORG to their musical repertoire.
iPhoneAppcAfe have always been a fan of KORG; we reviewed the KORG Monotron a few months ago, as well as including KORG iElectribe in our 10 Coolest iPad Apps Ever.