6 Things Startup Entrepreneurs Think They Can Get Away With But Actually...

6 Things Startup Entrepreneurs Think They Can Get Away With But Actually Can’t


New entrepreneurs often make mistakes. But not all of these mistakes have to get made. Sometimes, you can avoid getting things wrong by simply doing things right. That might sound simplistic, but by doing things the right way rather than the quick and easy way, you can improve your business’s chances of long-term success.

A lack of experience can lead many entrepreneurs to disaster. That’s no excuse, however. Here are six things that many startup entrepreneurs thing they can get away with. But they can’t because there are always consequences. Read on to learn more about these mistakes and why you should do what you can to swerve them.

Assume Their Way is the Only Way

Your way forward is not the only one out there. You need to keep this in mind and never forget it when you are trying to run your business in the right way. If you start to think that you are the only one who knows how to run the business and no one else’s ideas are worth listening to, you will get things badly wrong. That’s not what you want to happen, so don’t go down that particular rabbit hole. It won’t turn out well for you. It’s much healthier to listen to those around you and take good ideas on how to advance your business from wherever you can find them.


Not Researching the Competition

When you’re new to a market, you need to know which other companies are already operating in it. You can’t expect to just land on your feet and start finding success right away. It doesn’t work like that. And if you think that you can beat all the other competitors in your sector without even knowing what they’re up to, you’re mistaken. You need to carry out some research on your rivals in the market to learn as much as you possibly can about their approach to winning over customers. You can then expose and exploit their weaknesses to your advantage.


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Not Planning Comprehensively

Planning is one of the most important things you can do when you’re about to start a new company. If things are not planned out pretty comprehensively before you get going, you will not be able to confront the challenges lying ahead very well. You need to have a plan in place for how your business will make a breakthrough and start to catch up with the other businesses in the sector. Playing it by ear is never a good plan of action. You should work with your colleagues who will be working for the businesses to create a plan that can be followed in the months and years ahead.


Relying on Casual Help Rather Than Employees

It’s all too common for business owners that have just started their companies to assume that they don’t need to start hiring people right away. This is a big mistake, and you should definitely try to avoid it if you possibly can. If you rely too heavily on casual help from the people you know, you will not be able to power the business in the right direction. After all, those people are not being paid and have no commitment to the business. Relying on help and charity is always risky. So, if you want your business to be successful, hire people from day one.


Not Taking Safety in the Workplace 100% Seriously

When you don’t take safety in the workplace 100% seriously, it will only be a matter of time before someone gets hurt. This is not something that you can allow to happen. It’s common and easy for new startup entrepreneurs to not take these seriously. This comes from a combination of a lack of experience and a need to move quickly and keep costs down. But it will just affect your business negatively in the long-run. Ellis Whittam can help with workplace safety issues. If you get the support you need, everyone will be protected, and so will the business.


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Cutting Corners to Cut Costs

Cutting corners is usually done to cut costs. Yes, I know that budgets can be small and margins can be very tight when a business is just starting out. However, that still doesn’t make it alright to cut corners. When your business decides to do this, mistakes always get made. And this will have a knock-on impact on customers. They will receive a product or service that’s simply not as good as it could be or should be. That’s not what you want, so do things the right way and play by the rules.



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