5 Ways To Maximise iPhone Battery Life

5 Ways To Maximise iPhone Battery Life



Everyone who owns an iPhone knows that the bloody things don’t last very long, and will always die on you at the most inconvenient time, leaving you feeling naked and alone, or indeed liberated, depending on how attached you are to your smartphone. It’s the one hurdle that Apple haven’t quite been able to mount; conversely, their newest upgrade the iPhone 6s, actually performs slightly worse than its predecessor when it comes to battery life. While we all cross our fingers for the 7, here’s some tips to get the most out of that battery, and making it bettery.

1 – Keep It Cool

Believe it or not, nothing can decrease battery life worse than heat. The iPhone tends to overheat when its using a lot of power, so keep an eye on it during gaming or heavy app use. Too much time in the heat can actually permanently damage your phone’s charging capacities. Be wary of cases too when temperatures soar; it might do some good to remove it until it’s cooled down. Or just put it in the fridge. (Only joking, don’t do that).

2 – Turn Off App Notifications

Everyone has a variety of different apps on their phone, everything from social networking apps to useful apps to funny apps to gaming apps like poker or bingo (try for online bingo at harrysbingo) and when all these apps are receiving notifications, your poor old iPhone battery can be put under a lot of stress. Turn ’em off so you can grab the notifications only when you boot up the app.

3 – Enable Low Power Mode

This is a new feature introduced with iOS 9 and is a way to extend the battery life of your phone when it gets low, maybe obviously. It’s a handy little number, and even more useful is the fact that the phone itself will suggest to you when to make the switch – namely after it hits 20% battery, otherwise known as ‘the red’.

4 – Turn Off Vibrations

A surprising one, but still useful, and goes together well with point number 2. Constant vibrations will drain your battery surprisingly quickly, so if you’re turning off the notifications it’ll do you good to turn off the vibrating too. You don’t have to do a blanket shut off, you can conveniently utilise this whenever your phone hits low power; so you can be sure to squeeze the most out of your remaining slivers of battery life.


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