4 Ways The iPad Has Changed Our Lives

4 Ways The iPad Has Changed Our Lives

ipad therapy solution
Image Source nytimes.com

Since Apple unveiled the amazing iPad in 2010, the device has changed lives. It has revolutionized the tech world and has made a huge impact on individuals of all ages in a great variety of ways. The iPad has taken the world by storm and is used by millions of people around the world. Here are four ways the iPad has changed the way we do things.

1. Reading

The iPad has breathed new life into reading. In recent years, eBook readers have increased in popularity and the iPad has proven to be a successful tool for reading eBooks on the go, no matter where you are. Individuals who have neglected reading print books for pleasure have taken to downloading apps to their Apple tablet computer, while some schools are even making having an iPad mandatory for students.

Individuals who are visually impaired can also enjoy the iPad for reading purposes.It is the only tablet that is currently accessible for the visually impaired. Users can zoom in the screen with a pinch of the thumb and index finger, which allows visually impaired people to have access to large print. The iPad also includes a VoiceOver feature for those who are totally blind.

2. Healthcare

The iPad is also making huge changes in the field of healthcare. Lab workers are increasingly entering reports on the iPad, and a physician can compare information on a patient’s chart to what is on the tablet. If anything is missing, they can quickly include the information into the chart.

3. Computing

The introduction of the iPad has also changed the way people use computers. People who own an iPad are using their desktop or laptop computers less. Because you can essentially do the same things on an iPad, there is less need for heavy usage of a computer, which in turn saves electricity and energy. While the tablet includes an adapter for charging, it operates on a battery that has a long life. This can help to reduce your electricity bill every month.

4. Entertainment

Personal entertainment has been changed with the release of the iPad. You can surf the Internet, watch TV on your device and play any number of games that are available for download at the App Store. More and more people are relying on their iPad for entertainment, which is a concept that was unheard of a few years ago.

About the Author
Brynn Jones is a Brand Manager working with CellPhoneShop.net, a leader in iPad and iPhone accessories. She enjoys movies, the latest technology and the occasional foray into deep sea fishing.


  1. My iPad has become an essential element in my daily routine. I use it for communicating, Internet use, entertainment, work….the list is endless! I’ll be lost without it!

  2. Apple as opened up so many avenues in technology. For me, access of content such as books and music from other countries has been really great. Being able to read Manga that would of cost so much money and paper on the something like the iPad is great!

  3. The iPad has definitely changed a lot especially with entertainment. I’d rather watch TV on an iPad whilst on the move than sitting at home glued to the TV. Websites such as http://www.tvcatchup.com and go.sky.com has made this possible. Anyway thanks for the great post.. do keep them coming. cheers


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