To-Fu 2: Stretchier Than Ever and Ten Times more Fun-Filled

To-Fu 2: Stretchier Than Ever and Ten Times more Fun-Filled


To-Fu 2 iPhone App Review
In case the name hadn’t already given it away, To-Fu 2 is the fantastic sequel to the super popular iOS hit, To-Fu: The Trials of Chithat stormed the app store earlier this year. Like the original game, you play as the stretchy martial arts hero To-Fu, harnessing the power of Chi, collecting blue orbs and maneuvering though hundreds of obstacle-laden levels.

Speaking honestly, there isn’t any grand storyline or premise behind To-Fu 2, which is a little disappointing given the wonderful amount of effort that’s gone into creating the character, martial arts look and so forth. However,don’t let the lack of storyline put you off because when the game is this much fun, you won’t honestly care.

Like a certain Angry Birds, To-Fu 2 (and its original) can get by on its simple but totally addictive premise: stretch, fling, bounce, next level. It doesn’t really need to be any more complicated than what it already is and you certainly won’t begrudge the game for not trying. What’s more, the hundreds of all new mindboggling levels well and truly make up for the lack of storyline and ensure that the game has an incredible longevity that few games manage to achieve.

In addition, there are some great little features that improve on the previous outing; for starters Hotgen have implemented a time trial mode, which also ties in with the Game Center app. There’s even a store that enables users to purchase extravagant costumes for the soy hero – It’s not exactly essential but feel free to spend away should you so desire.

To-Fu: The Trials of Chi was a great game, but To-Fu 2 is even better. If you’re after a cheap, addictive, fun-filled pick-up and play puzzler, then look no further than To-Fu 2.


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