Silent Film Director Free For 10 Hours To Celebrate Charlie Chaplin’s 123rd...

Silent Film Director Free For 10 Hours To Celebrate Charlie Chaplin’s 123rd birthday


Do you love silent films?  Want to celebrate the birthday of the silent film industry’s best loved actor, Charlie Chaplin?  More importantly, do you want a wicked app for free?!  If the answer is yes then read on!
Charlie Chaplin turned 123 yesterday and to celebrate his birthday of the world greatest comedian Silent Film Director went free for a limited time. With the success of contemporary silent films such as The Artist, the silent film industry is enjoying a current renaissance. In less than 10 hours Silent Film Director will go back to the regular price – $1.99. So if you haven’t got the app yet, there is still a chance to grab it for free and start creating amazing silent films, like the one below…


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